Cyprinodontiformes in the garden
fish pond
Garden fish pond water temperature logging
Data readings for 2011 first trimester
from January the 1st 2011 to March 31st 2011 )
Exceptional weather occurrences on the same
period of time (
: Institute of Meteorology, I. P. Portugal )
Monthly records
Iberian Climate Atlas
Data readings for 2011 first trimester
from January the 1st 2011 to March 31st 2011 )

Figure 1 - Temperature in ºC recorded between January the 1st, 2011 and
March 31st, 2011, including air and two garden fish ponds water, a 2,000
litre capacity and another 20,000 litres capacity, both located a few
dozen meters from each other but with very different arrangements for
temperature management. For an
alternative in ºF use this link
in order to get an image on a
separated window.
check the water temperature of the garden fish pond with 2,000 litres
capacity separately,
use this link for ºC and
this one for ºF in order to get an image on a separated window. For
the 20,000 litres use
this alternative for ºC and
this one for ºF.
If you wish to get same this information separated for every month,
there are optional identical graphs further down, in the
monthly records.
Number of hours when certain temperatures were registered in the garden
fish ponds water as well as on the air :
2,000 litres |
20,000 litres |
Atmosphere |
26,0ºC |
78,8ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
2 |
hours |
25,5ºC |
77,9ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
25,0ºC |
77,0ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
1 |
hour |
24,5ºC |
76,1ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
2 |
hours |
24,0ºC |
75,2ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
1 |
hours |
23,5ºC |
74,3ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
23,0ºC |
73,4ºF |
0 |
hours |
2 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
22,5ºC |
72,5ºF |
0 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
22,0ºC |
71,6ºF |
0 |
hours |
1 |
hour |
4 |
hours |
21,5ºC |
70,7ºF |
0 |
hours |
2 |
hours |
4 |
hours |
21,0ºC |
69,8ºF |
0 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
20,5ºC |
68,9ºF |
0 |
hours |
4 |
hours |
9 |
hours |
20,0ºC |
68,0ºF |
0 |
hours |
10 |
hours |
17 |
hours |
19,5ºC |
67,1ºF |
0 |
hours |
18 |
hours |
12 |
hours |
19,0ºC |
66,2ºF |
0 |
hours |
26 |
hours |
34 |
hours |
18,5ºC |
65,3ºF |
0 |
hours |
21 |
hours |
45 |
hours |
18,0ºC |
64,4ºF |
0 |
hours |
29 |
hours |
49 |
hours |
17,5ºC |
63,5ºF |
0 |
hours |
62 |
hours |
57 |
hours |
17,0ºC |
62,6ºF |
0 |
hours |
71 |
hours |
75 |
hours |
16,5ºC |
61,7ºF |
1 |
hour |
88 |
hours |
82 |
hours |
16,0ºC |
60,8ºF |
3 |
hours |
72 |
hours |
82 |
hours |
15,5ºC |
59,9ºF |
18 |
hours |
83 |
hours |
97 |
hours |
15,0ºC |
59,0ºF |
173 |
hours |
142 |
hours |
98 |
hours |
14,5ºC |
58,1ºF |
164 |
hours |
172 |
hours |
108 |
hours |
14,0ºC |
57,2ºF |
173 |
hours |
161 |
hours |
108 |
hours |
13,5ºC |
56,3ºF |
353 |
hours |
170 |
hours |
107 |
hours |
13,0ºC |
55,4ºF |
283 |
hours |
157 |
hours |
119 |
hours |
12,5ºC |
54,5ºF |
311 |
hours |
154 |
hours |
116 |
hours |
12,0ºC |
53,6ºF |
97 |
hours |
162 |
hours |
90 |
hours |
11,5ºC |
52,7ºF |
130 |
hours |
85 |
hours |
114 |
hours |
11,0ºC |
51,8ºF |
70 |
hours |
39 |
hours |
102 |
hours |
10,5ºC |
50,9ºF |
115 |
hours |
39 |
hours |
88 |
hours |
10,0ºC |
50,0ºF |
95 |
hours |
67 |
hours |
83 |
hours |
9,5ºC |
49,1ºF |
45 |
hours |
105 |
hours |
69 |
hours |
9,0ºC |
48,2ºF |
70 |
hours |
73 |
hours |
55 |
hours |
8,5ºC |
47,3ºF |
56 |
hours |
84 |
hours |
68 |
hours |
8,0ºC |
46,4ºF |
3 |
hours |
31 |
hours |
41 |
hours |
7,5ºC |
45,5ºF |
0 |
hours |
20 |
hours |
40 |
hours |
7,0ºC |
44,6ºF |
0 |
hours |
4 |
hours |
22 |
hours |
6,5ºC |
43,7ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
33 |
hours |
6,0ºC |
42,8ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
32 |
hours |
5,5ºC |
41,9ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
22 |
hours |
5,0ºC |
41,0ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
16 |
hours |
4,5ºC |
40,1ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
7 |
hours |
4,0ºC |
39,2ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
7 |
hours |
3,5ºC |
38,3ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
11 |
hours |
3,0ºC |
37,4ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
5 |
hours |
2,5ºC |
36,5ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
7 |
hours |
2,0ºC |
35,6ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
4 |
hours |
1,5ºC |
34,7ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
1,0ºC |
33,8ºF |
0 |
hours |
0 |
hours |
3 |
hours |
To access a graph with statistics on the number of hours for which there was a
certain water temperature in ºC regarding the garden fish pond of
litres capacity, during the period related to this page, use this link.
For an
alternative in ºF use this link
in order to get an image on a
separated window.
to access a graph statistics on the number of hours for which there was a
certain water temperature in ºC regarding the garden fish pond of
litres capacity, during the period related to this page, use this link.
For an
alternative in ºF use this link
in order to get an image on a
separated window.
Exceptional weather occurrences on the same period of time (
source : Institute of
Meteorology, I. P. Portugal )
. Winter 2010-2011
Report - Winter with extreme events in Portugal mainland
The 2010/2011 winter ( December, January and February ) was
characterized by the occurrence of extreme events: a tornado that struck
Torres Novas, Tomar, Ferreira Zêzere and Sertã, in December; episodes of
snow in northern regions and Center; two cold waves ( January and
February ), the occurrence of heavy rain with hail in December and
February, and strong winds in February.
The total amount of precipitation was 394.0 mm, above the normal value
of 1971 – 2000 ( 352.5 mm ).
The winter was classified as a normal to rainy in most of Portugal
mainland and very rainy in the Lisbon area and in the western Algarve as
The average maximum, minimum and average temperature was slightly lower
than the respective normal values 1971 - 2000, with anomalies of -0.3°C
( -0.54ºF ). In the last days of January and early February, there were
very low values of minimum air temperature, particularly in inland areas
north and centre of the continent, being this the third consecutive year
with a colder than normal winter.
. Colder March with unusual rain fall Portugal mainland
March in Portugal mainland, was colder than usual, especially regarding
the observed maximum temperatures.
During the beginning of the month values of minimum temperature below
0°C ( 32ºF ) have been observed in Bragança and Penhas Douradas.
On the continent, the mean maximum, average and minimum air temperatures
were below the 1971 - 2000 standard, with anomalies of -0.83ºC ( -1.49ºF
), -0.45°C ( -0.81ºF ) and -0.08°C ( -0.14ºF ), respectively.
The amount of rainfall, 71.8 mm, was slightly higher than the normal
value 1971 - 2000, with an anomaly of +10.6 mm, classifying the month as
standard to rainy, except in the regions of Alentejo and Algarve where
it was very rainy.
The registered values of sunshine hours were generally below the 1971 -
2000 standard values, throughout the territory, with higher values in
Alentejo and Algarve coast and lower values in the North and Center.
Monthly Records
January 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC
January 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF
January 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
January 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
January 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
January 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
January 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
January 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
January 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
January 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
February 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC
February 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF
February 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
February 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
February 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
February 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
February 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
February 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
February 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
February 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
March 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC
March 2011 (
air temperature, 2,000 litres and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF
March 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
March 2011 (
air temperature and 2,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
March 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºC )
March 2011 (
air temperature and 20,000 litres garden fish pond in ºF )
March 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
March 2011 (
2,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
March 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºC )
March 2011 (
20,000 litres garden fish pond
number of hours in ºF )
Iberian Climate Atlas ( available at the
Institute of Meteorology website )
The Iberian Climate Atlas presented on 23rd of March, 2011, during the
commemorative session of the World Meteorological Day, has become
available in digital format at the Institute of Meteorology website.
A climatological atlas display, in graphical form, a synthesis of the
knowledge about the climate of a country or a region. In this
partilcular case it covers the geographical unit of the Iberian
Peninsula. This it is clearly the advantage of such Climatological Atlas
because it includes the mainland territories of Portugal and Spain and
the Balearic Islands as well.
- Download ( or read ) the Iberian Climate Atlas -
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